My Services

Assessments | Counseling | Coaching | Advocacy

I specialize in educationally-based psychological services designed to empower individuals to unlock their potential, strengthen executive functioning skills, and achieve success in school, work, and daily life. My approach is comprehensive, strengths-based, and solution-focused. I work hard to ensure that each client receives personalized support tailored to their unique learning and cognitive needs. Please continue reading to learn more!

Using a variety of tools tailored to my client’s background and areas of concern, I complete assessments to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses present among academic, cognitive, social, emotional, and behavioral skills. Each of my assessments include diagnostic impressions (if applicable) and recommendations for evidence-based interventions specific to the assessment results to help my clients grow and succeed. Below is a description of the assessments I offer in my practice:

Psychoeducational Assessments:

Comprehensive evaluations designed to identify the presence of giftedness, learning disabilities including dyslexia, dyscalculia, and dysgraphia, ADHD and executive functioning deficits, symptoms and challenges associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder, and social/emotional challenges associated with Mental Health.

Functional Behavioral Assessments:

Functional Behavioral Assessments (FBAs) are comprehensive evaluations designed to identify the underlying causes of challenging behavior. Utilizing direct and indirect methods of data collection; the goal is to determine the function of challenging behaviors in order to make recommendations for function-based interventions to support positive behavioral change.

Independent Educational Evaluations (IEE):

IEEs may include both Psychoeducational Evaluations and Functional Behavioral Assessments. Currently, I am conducting a limited number of IEEs, depending on the school district and timing of the contract. Please contact me to discuss your needs in more detail!


Educationally-based counseling services involve interventions and support aimed at enhancing an individual’s academic performance, social interactions, and emotional health. My sessions include individual counseling with the client as well as consultation with family members, school staff, and other professionals knowledgeable and connected to the client. Sessions may include the teaching of self-regulation strategies, social skills training, conflict resolution, and crisis intervention. They are tailored to meet the unique needs of my clients utilizing a variety of evidence-based counseling techniques. Please contact me to discuss your needs in more detail!


Executive Function Coaching

Executive function coaching is a personalized intervention in which I work closely with each client to set goals, develop effective and personalized strategies, and practice skills for success. Together, we will focus on enhancing skills like planning, organization, and self-regulation to support better management of daily tasks and responsibilities. Please contact me to discuss your needs in more detail!

Parent Consultation & Advocacy

Do you have questions about the IEP or 504 process? Do you have concerns regarding your child’s assessments and/or school-based supports? Contact me!

Take the Next Step Toward Success

If you or your child are facing challenges with learning, behavior, or executive functioning, I’m here to help. Let’s connect for a free consultation to discuss how we can work together to build confidence, resilience, and success.

Contact me today to get started!
(949) 490-2375